Trade Talk Blog: Crypto

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As shared last week, I had the chance to contribute to Jessica Darmoni’s year-end blog series for Hehmeyer Trading + Investments, which offered a review of 2018 crypto trends and a crypto outlook for 2019. I especially believe that adoption as a payment solution is key for widespread belief in crypto assets. Please read the post below to see our entire 2019 watch list!

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Without a doubt, 2018 was a year of contrasts for crypto. Optimism and new employment ran high for cryptocurrency businesses, but the price did nothing but head south and disappoint many.

I had the chance to contribute to Jessica Darmoni’s year-end blog series for Hehmeyer Trading + Investments, which offers a review of 2018 and an outlook for 2019. Read on for the full year-end post, and check back next week for the forward-looking follow-up here on Trade Talk!

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Chris Hehmeyer, CEO. Hehmeyer Trading + InvestmentsChris Hehmeyer and I first started talking about crypto over a year ago, so I thought it would be a great time to catch up with him and hear more about how his firm has progressed from having new initiatives focused on crypto markets to more mature products and offerings. I also wanted to let Chris explain the why behind the reasoning for his firm, Hehmeyer Trading + Investments (HTI), to “go big” in this space and how they became crypto and blockchain believers!

While the name Chris Hehmeyer is probably familiar to anybody close to futures trading in the U.S., this is the Crypto Corner, so I’ll touch the tip of the iceberg on the background of the guy I have admired mostly from afar during my 20+ years in the business. I’ll also mention that Chris was on a crypto panel at the recent FIA Expo 2018 in Chicago, and had a great Will Rogers-esque quip that got a great laugh in the room. In fact, one of my co-workers said after that panel, “I could listen to Hehmeyer talk all day.”

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Crypto Corner: Dan Gunsberg of Gordian Block CapitalOur first guest in our crypto interview series is a traditional trader, turned crypto trader, turned crypto entrepreneur. Like many in crypto, Dan Gunsberg is an interesting guy with an interesting background; and because of this, we conducted this interview over breakfast at an interesting place, Soho House in Chicago. It’s not the typical place for a business meeting, but rather more of a hipster joint where business guys aren’t welcome—but crypto guys fit right in.

Dan is the co-founder of Gordian Block Capital, LLC, a cryptocurrency and digital assets investment and trading firm. Dan has over 20 years experience in financial markets, trading and technology. Dan has been active in crypto markets since 2015. He left traditional markets in October 2017 to pursue full-time cryptocurrency trading.  

Dan holds a BFA in Political Science from The Ohio State University. He currently resides in Highland Park, Illinois.

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