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Release Notes

Explore key releases enhancing trade execution and management.
Fill Alert Enhancements

New enhanced features for the Fill Alert widget when a fill is received.

  • Optionally display notifications on the screen on top of all applications, even when the TT application is behind other applications or even minimized
  • Support filtering in the existing Fills Alert widget on fields such as Account and/or User such that the filter is maintained when the alert is closed
  • Support customization of the Fills Alert widget display, specifically the background color to make the alert more noticeable


OMS Care order passing

We have extended our current OMS order passing ability to now include the ability to pass staged orders.

TTW Display EPEX prices in Euros and quantities in MWh

EPEX power instruments display prices in Euros (with two digit decimal precision) and quantities in MWh (with one digit decimal precision).