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System Admin News & Updates

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SGX: Patching activity for SGX member facing devices


SGX has recently started sending out notifications to inform Members that the exchange is scheduling maintenance activity on devices used by Members in the Secondary and Primary Data Centers.

SGX is scheduling all such maintenance activity during the afternoon/evening hours on Saturdays, usually 3:00 pm to 11:30 pm.

There is no impact to the TT platform since TT services are shut down during the affected time periods. As always, services will be closely monitored during start-up and any irregularities will be recognized and resolved immediately.

Eurex/EEX: ETI TLS Encryption


Eurex has implemented mandatory changes regarding data transmission via the T7 trading interfaces. These changes have been made to improve the security of information transmitted via communication networks to further reduce the risk of unauthorized interception, manipulation, or misuse.

Changes will be made by TT to meet these requirements. These changes will be mandatory on the following dates:

InterfaceMandatory In SimulationMandatory in Production
ETI LF04 August 202323 October 2023
ETI HF24 November 202311 December 2023

These changes are complete in Production.

TT Excel Plugin Certificate Expiration

December 19

On December 19, 2023, the certificate used with the TT Excel plugin will expire.

TT Platform Impact

As of December 19, all TTW/TTD Excel plugin users will need to update to the new certificate, which is included in the latest TTD download or can also be installed through the TTW GUI by choosing File > Excel > Download Plugin.

Should you have any questions, please contact TT Support.

TFEX: Adjusted Year End Holiday Schedule

December 29

The Stock Exchange of Thailand has announced a change in the SET / TFEX New Year holiday trading schedule. The New Year Holiday has been moved from Tuesday, January 2 to Friday, December 29. The TT Platform has been adjusted to account for the change in schedule.

As part of this change TFEX will also update the Last Trading Date and Expiration Date of all TFEX series expired in December 2023. Since both Last Trading Date and Expiration Date are handled automatically by TT Market Data Server, changes to the TT platform are not required. All customers who would prefer to verify the Last Trading Date and Expiration Date changes for themselves are welcome to review the changes in the TT UAT “TFEX_DEV” market starting from Friday, November 24, 18:30 ICT.

No action is required on the part of TT end-users for handling these changes.

JPX: Implementation of Roman Alphabet Characters in Securities Code

January 1, 2024

JPX has announced an upcoming change to the formation of Securities Codes for new instruments. After the changes, Securities Codess will include Roman Alphabet Characters and the change will go live starting from January 1, 2024.

TT Platform Impact

There is no impact to the TT platform. Because the TT platform uses internally-generated “instrument IDs” for tracking instruments throughout the system and does not use JPX Securities Codes for functionality, no changes are required. 


January 7, 2024

JPX is conducting a Business Continuity Planning Exercise scheduled for Sunday, January 7 2024. Participation in the BCP exercise is not mandatory for Members, but TT will host and support testing during the event. Members who would like to participate should contact their TT Service Manager or Onboarding Representative.

Additional details about connecting to TT for participation will be provided in the coming weeks.

TFEX: Extended Trading Hours

January 15, 2024

TFEX has announced plans for an extension of trading hours for Non-Equity Products with an effective date tentatively set for January 15, 2024. The exchange is planning a 2-phased approach for implementation of the changes with Phase 1 changes starting in January and Phase 2 changes tentatively scheduled to go into effect in February at a yet-to-be-determined date.

The exchange requires that Members verify the new trading hours in the TFEX “NEXT-B” Test Environment which all Members may access at any time (pending exchange availability of the feature) in the TT UAT “TFEX_DEV” Environment.

TT Platform Impact

There is no impact to the TT platform. Since TT TFEX services already stay connected to the exchange past the new Non-Equity Products‘ closing time, no changes are required.

CME: Mandatory Migration – iLink3 Binary Order Entry Protocol for CGW

TBD, 2024

CME is introducing iLink3 on Convenience Gateways (CGW) for trading futures and options on CME Globex. TT is targeting UAT to be available in Q2 2024. More details will follow in upcoming System Updates.

CME will be going live in Production in February, however TT will not be supporting CGW on ilink3 until later in the year. TT will be providing customers with the ability to participate in Mock testing sessions which we will coordinate with CME and communicate details at a later date. CME will be decommissioning CGW iLink2 on December

TT will be providing a high-level project milestone/timeline document and will share a migration guide as we get closer to the go-live. Customers may be familiar with the MSGW ilink3 upgrade that occurred in 2019, and this CGW upgrade to ilink3 will be very similar.

JPX: Addition of Prime 150 Index Futures

March 18, 2024

JPX has announced the Addition of Prime 150 Index Futures with an effective date of March 18, 2024. The product code for the new product is JP150 and it will be available for testing in UAT starting from mid-to-late December, 2023. For Production, Prime 150 Index Futures will be available on TT for Risk Limit setup and other configurations starting from January 15, 2024.

Additional Resources

JPX: Addition of Weekly Contracts on Electricity Futures

March 18, 2024

JPX has announced the Addition of Weekly Contracts on Electricity Futures with an effective date of March 18, 2024. The product codes are listed below and they will be available for testing in UAT starting from mid-to-late December, 2023. For Production, the products will be available on TT for Risk Limit setup and other configurations starting from January 15, 2024.

  • EEBW (East Area Weekly Baseload Electricity Futures)
  • EWBW (West Area Weekly Baseload Electricity Futures)
  • EEPW (East Area Weekly Peakload Electricity Futures)
  • EWPW (West Area Weekly Peakload Electricity Futures)
Additional Resources

JPX: Revision of Tick Size for LNG Futures

March 18, 2024

JPX has announced a change of Tick Size for LNG Futures with an effective date of March 18, 2024. Tick Size changes are routine changes on the TT Platform and as such the updates will be applied to all TT environments automatically, immediately upon being sent out on the exchange’s Market Data Feed. The changes will be available for testing in UAT starting from December 6, 2023. The changes will be available in Production starting from March 18, 2024.

Additional Resources

IDEM: Migration to Euronext

March 25, 2024

On March 25, 2024, Euronext will complete the migration of Borsa Italiana (IDEM) products to the Euronext exchange. On TT, the IDEM market will be decommissioned and these products will be available to trade on the Euronext market. 

Notable changes with this migration:

  • In addition to the currently supported Euronext order types of Market and Limit, Stop Market and Stop Limit will be enabled for IDEM Derivatives, and will be supported on TT 
  • TT will introduce support for the Euronext Self-Trade Prevention (STP) functionality, which will be supported on both Euronext and IDEM products. 

TT will release these changes to UAT in 2 phases:

  • Phase 1, December 20, 2023
    • IDEM market data and order routing will be available to users on the Euronext market on their existing credentials
    • TT will not support Stop orders or Euronext’s STP functionality in this phase
  • Phase 2, January 2024
    • Stop orders will be supported in the TT UAT environment for IDEM products
    • In Setup, Administrators will be required to permission users for access to IDEM market data on Euronext, as well as to allow trading
    • Exchange Self Trade Prevention functionality will be available for both Euronext and IDEM products

The following are the anticipated milestones for this project:

MilestoneExpected Date
TT Deployment to UATDecember 20, 2023
TT Migration Guide (Draft)January 25, 2024
Conformance DeadlineJanuary 31, 2024
Dress Rehearsal 1February 24, 2024
TT Migration Guide (Final)February 26, 2024
Delivery of TT Go-Live PlanFebruary 26, 2024
Dress Rehearsal 2March 9, 2024
Exchange Go-LiveMarch 25, 2024

Further details on the IDEM to Euronext migration will be communicated in due course.

Euronext: Support for Euronext’s STP functionality

March 25, 2024

TT will extend support to Euronext exchange’s STP functionality on 25 March 2024. This will be available to test on TT UAT environment in Jan 2024. On TT User Setup, users can set the SMP ID and SMP Instruction for this functionality to take effect. SMP Instruction can be set to any of the below options –

  • Cancel Resting Order
  • Cancel Incoming Order
  • Cancel Both Orders

HKEX: Introduction of the 10-year China Ministry of Finance Treasury Bond Futures

Q1, 2024

HKEX has announced the long-awaited introduction of 10-year China Ministry of Finance Treasury Bond Futures to their product line-up. The product launch date is tentatively scheduled for Q1 2024. 

Changes to the TT platform are not needed for support of the new product. The product symbol is HTT and it will be available for testing in the UAT Environment starting from the minute that the exchange makes it available on their Test Environment Market Data Feed.

HKEX: Self-Match Prevention Service Enhancements

Q2, 2024

HKEX has announced enhancements to their Self-Match Prevention Service which will expand the methods of utilizing and accessing the SMP feature. The enhancements have a tentative Go Live date in Q2 2024.

At this time, TT is evaluating the changes to the API and will communicate plans for support of these enhancements in the near future. The already-existing HKEX SMP implementation will continue to operate normally, with no changes, both before and after the rollout of the exchange’s new enhancements.

LME: New Trading Platform

April 2024

LME will be introducing a new API for Order Entry and Market Data in Q2/2024. This will be made available in the UAT environment in Q4/2023. More information will be provided in upcoming System News and Updates.

SGX: Industry-wide BCP Exercise

May 25, 2024

SGX is conducting an Industry-Wide Business Continuity Planning Exercise scheduled for Saturday, May 25 2024. The exchange’s goal is to validate its ability to recover and operate the market in the event of a data center failover scenario and to test its crisis communication capabilities. All Singapore-based Members are required to participate in this exercise.

Additional details about connecting to TT for participation will be provided in due course as the exchange makes them available.

TFEX: New Currency Futures

Q2-Q3, 2024

TFEX has announced plans for a production launch of the new Thailand Currency Futures with a tentative date of November 20, 2023 Q2-Q3, 2024. These are the same Currency Futures that were originally scheduled for launch in July of 2022 and Members already verified them during the 2022 IWT – MME testing.

Since the TT platform was fully updated for handling the products prior to the 2022 IWT tests, no further software changes are required on the TT side at this time. The Product Codes are as follows:

  • EUR/THB Futures – “EUR”
  • JPY/THB Futures – “JPY”

The exchange requires that Members verify the new Currency Futures in the TFEX “NEXT-B” Test Environment starting from September 4, 2023. Members may complete testing at any time (pending exchange availability of the feature) in the TT UAT “TFEX_DEV” Environment.

JPX: Change of Derivatives Market Trading Hours

November 5, 2024

JPX has announced that starting from November 5, 2024 there will be a change of trading Hours for the Exchange Derivatives Market due to extension of Trading Hours at TSE. Details about changes to the TT platform and availability of testing in UAT will be posted here in System News as they emerge.