When I talk to customers about workspace functionality, there are several points that frequently recur:

  • Users want to be able to set up workspaces quickly and they want the process to be intuitive, not something that requires extensive training or labor.
  • They want to customize a workspace to their preferences. This might not seem like a big deal to some people, but for others who are accustomed to a certain style, the inability to modify a setting might be a major frustration.
  • They don’t want to be faced with the chore of re-creating workspaces if they move to a new machine or if their hard drive crashes. This is especially true for users who trade many different products and have a unique workspace for each product.

If you were following #PreviewTT on Twitter last week, you already know that the new TT platform takes the “work” out of workspaces. TT provides an enhanced user experience, with customizable application-specific widgets, intuitive search functionality and secure cloud-based storage that makes creating, storing and accessing workspaces easier than ever before.

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