Thursday 12 September 2024
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Trade Talk Blog

The official blog of Trading Technologies, your source for professional futures trading software.

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Autospreader was the focus of our ongoing #PreviewTT series last week on Twitter.

If you followed along, you already know that the TT version of Autospreader will provide a familiar experience to existing users along with significant functionality and performance enhancement that make Autospreader even faster, more powerful and easier to use.

For example, now you can:

  • Use the new Rule Builder to differentiate your spreading strategies. You can easily create custom pre-quote, pre-hedge and post-hedge logic from scratch, or simply tweak the pre-built Autospreader features by editing them in Rule Builder.
  • Launch spreads in the compact, tabbed MD Trader® to conserve screen space.
  • See prices that reflect the true instrument value rather than the raw exchange value.
  • Experience faster-than-ever performance thanks to our newly built collocated infrastructure, which features the most advanced technology. You can even view hedge latency in real time and see how your server-based strategies are performing. By the way, we think you’ll like what you see.

And with TT, all of your workspaces and spread configurations go where you go. You can create a spread using a laptop, deploy it from your office workstation and manage it from your phone. The experience is consistent no matter where you are and what device you use.

Scroll down to see more, and follow @Trading_Tech and #PreviewTT this week to learn about the TT-version of our visual programming platform, ADL® (Algo Design Lab).